Segue in the News


QA Partner 3.2 Includes Features That Allow Developers To Test Browsers, Java Applets, Links, and Server Code

NEWTON CENTRE, MA, February 27, 1996 - Segue Software, Inc. today announced the immediate delivery of the first testing tool available to test World Wide Web applications. The QA Partner® cross-platform, client/server test tool now includes features that support Internet testing. The features are included in QA Partner at no extra charge beyond the price of the product, and are immediately available.

Elisabeth Elterman, president and chief executive officer for Segue, said, "Segue is the first company to deliver the tools needed by Webmasters to build high-quality applications. Segue's cross-platform architecture and open integration with complementary technologies allow us to treat the Internet as essentially another platform. This integration allows the entire QualityWorksTM family of testing products to be used to support testing of Internet and World Wide Web applications. We are rapidly evolving our QualityWorks family of test tools to support Internet test planning, creation, execution, and maintenance. We will be introducing additional tools that address the unique challenges of automated testing of Internet applications."

QA Partner 3.2 provides support for testing Applets developed in the Sun Microsystems Java programming environment. QA Partner also now provides support for leading browsers, including Netscape's Navigator and Hot Java from Sun Microsystems.

QA Partner is available immediately on several major platforms, including Windows95, Windows 3.1, Windows NT, and most variants of Motif. Existing customers will be upgraded at no extra charge, and new customers will receive the functionality as part of QA Partner or QA Partner:Distributed.

According to Elterman, "The QualityWorks family is being used by major Internet developers, including America Online, Inc., CompuServe, Inc., Netscape Communications Corporation, and Spyglass, Inc. to build the products that make up the Internet and the World Wide Web. Segue has learned a great deal about Internet testing requirements from these leading-edge customers, and we are working closely with these Segue customers to ensure our new products address the unique requirements of Internet testing."

About Segue Software, Inc.

Segue Software develops, markets and supports the QualityWorks family of open architecture quality assurance software tools, methodology, and management. QualityWorks enables the rapid development and re-use of automated software tests across more than 20 platforms, and is currently used by more than 7,200 software quality professionals worldwide. Headquartered in Newton Centre, Massachusetts, Segue also has offices in San Francisco, Atlanta, Chicago, and Dallas, and distribution offices throughout Europe, Canada, and Australia. Segue's 85-plus employees provide automated testing products and consulting services to organizations developing client/server and Internet-based software applications. Segue Software offers corporate and product information through its World Wide Web site, located at


This is the first in a suite of Internet testing capabilities from Segue that will allow organizations to deploy high-quality applications across the Internet.

QA Partner and QA Partner:Distributed are registered trademarks of Segue Software, Inc. QualityWorks is a trademark of Segue Software, Inc. All other corporate, system, and product names are either trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

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